Hello and Welcome to Jewellery Haven! Free smartpac delivery within SG. Plus we ship worldwide by FedEx courier (4-5 working days).

Return & Exchange Policy

I know, sometimes it happens: the item has arrived and it totally misaligns with your expectations. It's not the best news a seller can hear, but I'm happy to accept returns. Read on for more details.

 Q: How quickly should I reach you for a return to be accepted?

Contact me within 3 days of delivery, and ship the product(s) back within 7 days of delivery. Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs.

Q: Do you accept exchanges and cancellations?

No, sorry! But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

Q: What are the conditions for a return to be accepted?

Ensure that they are in their original condition. I will not be able to make a full refund in the event that the item is defective, spoiled, or not in its original condition. Also, do note that I do not accept returns on customised/personalised orders and sale items.

For more questions, feel free to enquire with me!