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Haven Digest #1 - March recap

March is drawing to an end quickly! In case you missed out on what happened around here, here’s a quick recap.


Blog: My Life As A Jewellery Designer

I wrote a blog post about my journey as a jewellery designer, and included some advice for upcoming designers! Read here.


Dizzying Geometry!

This month, I ordered a handful of Botswana agates for a limited edition collection. It was really well-received because of its unique geometric characteristics, and I also got a few custom requests for these agates. There are a handful of designs from this collection still available - Shop now!


Baroque Pearl Custom Designs

Baroque Pearl Custom Design Earrings

More custom designs this month. Pretty? I still have a few more pieces of pink/peach/white baroque pearls available for custom designs, but they are getting snapped up very quickly. You can contact me at @jewelleryhaven on Instagram or Messenger or email if you'd like to reserve an order for yourself.

Other pretty items still available in store!

Essence #9

Geometric #5

Geometric #4

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